Paradise Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



active_keybindingsThe client's active keybindings, depending on their active mob.
admin_music_volumeCopyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT Admin music volume, from 0 to 1.
byondacc_ageDays since the client's BYOND account was created
byondacc_dateDate the client registered their BYOND account on
completed_asset_jobsList of all completed blocking send jobs awaiting acknowledgement by send_asset
connection_timeworld.time they connected
cui_entriesList of the clients CUIs
description_holdersPersistent storage for the flavour text of examined atoms.
input_dataInput datum, what the client is pressing.
jbhThe client's job ban holder
last_asset_jobLast asset send job id
last_discord_pm_timeLast world.time that a PM was send to discord by a player
movement_kb_dirsThe client's movement keybindings to directions, which work regardless of modifiers.
pai_saveClient's pAI save
received_discord_pmLast world/time that a PM was sent to the player by an admin
recent_examinesA lazy list of atoms we've examined in the last RECENT_EXAMINE_MAX_WINDOW (default 2) seconds, so that we will call [/atom/proc/examine_more] instead of [/atom/proc/examine] on them when examining
screen_mapsAssoc list with all the active maps - when a screen obj is added to a map, it's put in here as well.
seen_messagesMessages currently seen by this client
sent_assetsList of all asset filenames sent to this client by the asset cache, along with their assoicated md5s
tgui_panelCopyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
topiclimiterUsed for limiting the rate of topic sends by the client to avoid abuse
tos_consentHas the client accepted the TOS about data collection and other stuff
version_blockedIf true, client cannot ready up, late join, or observe. Used for players with EXTREMELY old byond versions.
watchlistedIs the client watchlisted


Key_DownThis list defines the keys in legacy mode that get passed on to the rebindable input system It cannot be bigger since, while typing, the keys would be passed to whatever they are set in the rebind input system
Process_GrabProcess_Grab() Called by client/Move() Checks to see if you are being grabbed and if so attemps to break it
Process_IncorpmoveProcess_Incorpmove Called by client/Move() Allows mobs to run though walls
_Topicdumb workaround because byond doesnt seem to recognize the Topic() typepath for /datum/proc/Topic() from the client Topic, so we cant queue it without this
admin_change_title_screenEnables an admin to upload a new titlescreen image.
asset_cache_confirm_arrivalProcess asset cache client topic calls for "asset_cache_confirm_arrival=[INT]"
asset_cache_preload_dataProcess asset cache client topic calls for "asset_cache_preload_data=[HTML+JSON_STRING]
asset_cache_update_jsonUpdates the client side stored json file used to keep track of what assets the client has between restarts/reconnects.
browse_queue_flushBlocks until all currently sending browse and browse_rs assets have been sent. Due to byond limitations, this proc will sleep for 1 client round trip even if the client has no pending asset sends. This proc will return an untrue value if it had to return before confirming the send, such as timeout or the client going away.
change_title_screen_htmlAn admin debug command that enables you to change the HTML on the go.
change_title_screen_noticeSets a titlescreen notice, a big red text on the main screen.
clear_all_mapsClears all the maps of registered screen objects.
clear_mapClears the map of registered screen objects.
close_popupCloses a popup.
create_eventmob_forWARNING!** The jobban stuff looks mangled and disgusting But it looks beautiful in-game -Nodrak **WARNING!
create_popupCreates a popup window with a basic map element in it, without any further initialization.
display_job_bansLists all active jobbans for src client
fix_tgui_paneltgui panel / chat troubleshooting verb
fix_title_screenReloads the titlescreen if it is bugged for someone.
get_byond_account_dateSets the clients BYOND date up properly
handle_popup_closeWhen the popup closes in any way (player or proc call) it calls this.
maxviewReturns the biggest number from client.view so we can do easier maths
register_map_objRegisters screen obj with the client, which makes it visible on the assigned map, and becomes a part of the assigned map's lifecycle.
retrieve_byondacc_dataRetrieves the BYOND accounts data from the BYOND servers
set_macrosThis proc sets the built in BYOND macros for keypresses to pass inputs on to the rebindable input system or the legacy system If you plan on ripping out the legacy system, see the set_macros() proc at the following commit:
setup_popupCreate the popup, and get it ready for generic use by giving it a background.
timer_logOpens a log of timers
uid_logOpens a log of UIDs

Var Details


The client's active keybindings, depending on their active mob.


Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT Admin music volume, from 0 to 1.


Days since the client's BYOND account was created


Date the client registered their BYOND account on


List of all completed blocking send jobs awaiting acknowledgement by send_asset


world.time they connected


List of the clients CUIs


Persistent storage for the flavour text of examined atoms.


Input datum, what the client is pressing.


The client's job ban holder


Last asset send job id


Last world.time that a PM was send to discord by a player


The client's movement keybindings to directions, which work regardless of modifiers.


Client's pAI save


Last world/time that a PM was sent to the player by an admin


A lazy list of atoms we've examined in the last RECENT_EXAMINE_MAX_WINDOW (default 2) seconds, so that we will call [/atom/proc/examine_more] instead of [/atom/proc/examine] on them when examining


Assoc list with all the active maps - when a screen obj is added to a map, it's put in here as well.

Format: list( = list(/obj/screen))


Messages currently seen by this client


List of all asset filenames sent to this client by the asset cache, along with their assoicated md5s



TRUE if cache was reloaded by tgui dev server at least once.


Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT



Tracks open windows for a user.


Used for limiting the rate of topic sends by the client to avoid abuse

Has the client accepted the TOS about data collection and other stuff


If true, client cannot ready up, late join, or observe. Used for players with EXTREMELY old byond versions.


Is the client watchlisted

Proc Details


This list defines the keys in legacy mode that get passed on to the rebindable input system It cannot be bigger since, while typing, the keys would be passed to whatever they are set in the rebind input system


Process_Grab() Called by client/Move() Checks to see if you are being grabbed and if so attemps to break it


Process_Incorpmove Called by client/Move() Allows mobs to run though walls


dumb workaround because byond doesnt seem to recognize the Topic() typepath for /datum/proc/Topic() from the client Topic, so we cant queue it without this


Enables an admin to upload a new titlescreen image.


Process asset cache client topic calls for "asset_cache_confirm_arrival=[INT]"


Process asset cache client topic calls for "asset_cache_preload_data=[HTML+JSON_STRING]


Updates the client side stored json file used to keep track of what assets the client has between restarts/reconnects.


Blocks until all currently sending browse and browse_rs assets have been sent. Due to byond limitations, this proc will sleep for 1 client round trip even if the client has no pending asset sends. This proc will return an untrue value if it had to return before confirming the send, such as timeout or the client going away.


An admin debug command that enables you to change the HTML on the go.


Sets a titlescreen notice, a big red text on the main screen.


Clears all the maps of registered screen objects.


Clears the map of registered screen objects.

Not really needed most of the time, as the client's screen list gets reset on relog. any of the buttons are going to get caught by garbage collection anyway. they're effectively qdel'd.


Closes a popup.


WARNING!** The jobban stuff looks mangled and disgusting But it looks beautiful in-game -Nodrak **WARNING!


Creates a popup window with a basic map element in it, without any further initialization.

Ratio is how many pixels by how many pixels (keep it simple).

Returns a map name.


Lists all active jobbans for src client

from_client_connection - If true, user will not recieve any info in chat if they have no job bans, used when a player loads into to the lobby.


tgui panel / chat troubleshooting verb


Reloads the titlescreen if it is bugged for someone.


Sets the clients BYOND date up properly

If the client does not have a saved BYOND account creation date, retrieve it from the website If they do have a saved date, use that from the DB, because this value will never change Arguments:


When the popup closes in any way (player or proc call) it calls this.


Returns the biggest number from client.view so we can do easier maths


Registers screen obj with the client, which makes it visible on the assigned map, and becomes a part of the assigned map's lifecycle.


Retrieves the BYOND accounts data from the BYOND servers

Makes a web request to to retrieve the details for the BYOND account associated with the clients ckey. Returns the data in a parsed, associative list


This proc sets the built in BYOND macros for keypresses to pass inputs on to the rebindable input system or the legacy system If you plan on ripping out the legacy system, see the set_macros() proc at the following commit:


Create the popup, and get it ready for generic use by giving it a background.

Width and height are multiplied by 64 by default.


Opens a log of timers

In-round ability to view what has created a timer, and how many times a timer for that path has been created



Called by UIs when they are closed. Must be a verb so winset() can call it.

required uiref ref The UI that was closed.


Opens a log of UIDs

In-round ability to view what has created a UID, and how many times a UID for that path has been declared