Paradise Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details

Telecommunications Relay

Extends the reach of telecomms to the z-level it is built on

Relays themselves dont do any processing, they just tell the core that this z-level is available in the tcomms network.


autolink_idID of the hub to auto link to
hidden_linkIs this link invisible on the hub?
linkedIs this linked to anything at all
linked_coreThe host core for this relay
password_bypassDoes this relay need a password to connect to hubs?


AddLinkProc to link the relay to the core.
DestroyDescrutor for the relay.
InitializeInitializer for the relay.
LateInitializeLate Initialize for the relay.
ResetProc to rest the relay.
check_power_onPower-on checker
onTransitZZ-Level transit change helper
power_changePower Change Handler

Var Details

ID of the hub to auto link to

Is this link invisible on the hub?


Is this linked to anything at all


The host core for this relay


Does this relay need a password to connect to hubs?

Proc Details

Proc to link the relay to the core.

Sets the linked core to the target (argument below), before adding it to the list of linked relays, then re-freshing the zlevel list The relay is then marked as linked Arguments:


Descrutor for the relay.

Ensures that the machine is taken out of the global list when destroyed, and also removes the link to the core.


Initializer for the relay.

Calls parent to ensure its added to the GLOB of tcomms machines, before checking if there is an autolink that needs to be added.


Late Initialize for the relay.

Calls parent, then adds links to the cores. This is a LateInitialize because the core MUST be initialized first


Proc to rest the relay.

Resets the relay, removing its linkage status, and refreshing the core's list of z-levels


Power-on checker

Checks the z-level to see if an existing relay is already powered on, and deny this one turning on if there is one. Returns TRUE if it can power on, or FALSE if it cannot


Z-Level transit change helper

Handles parent call of disabling the machine if it changes Z-level, but also rebuilds the list of reachable levels on the linked core


Power Change Handler

Proc which ensures the host core has its zlevels updated (icons are updated by parent call)