Paradise Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details

Smart Fridge

Stores items of a specified type.


accepted_items_typecacheTypecache of accepted item types, init it in [/obj/machinery/smartfridge/Initialize].
board_typeThe type of the circuitboard dropped on deconstruction. This is how to avoid getting subtypes into the board.
can_dryWhether the fridge can dry its' contents. Used for display.
drop_contents_on_deleteDo we drop contents on destroy?
dryingWhether the fridge is currently drying. Used by drying racks.
is_secureWhether the fridge is considered secure. Used for wiring and display.
item_quantsAssociative list (/text => /number) tracking the amounts of a specific item held by the fridge.
max_n_of_itemsThe maximum number of items the fridge can hold. Multiplicated by the matter bin component's rating.
scan_idWhether the fridge requires ID scanning. Used for the secure variant of the fridge.
seconds_electrifiedHow long in ticks the fridge is electrified for. Decrements every process.
shoot_inventoryWhether the fridge should randomly shoot held items at a nearby living target or not.
silicon_controllableWhether the fridge is electric and thus silicon controllable.
starting_itemsAssociative list (/obj/item => /number) representing the items the fridge should initially contain.
visible_contentsWhether the fridge's contents are visible on the world icon.
wiresThe wires controlling the fridge.


accept_checkReturns whether the smart fridge can accept the given item.
loadTries to load an item if it is accepted by /obj/machinery/smartfridge/proc/accept_check.
throw_itemTries to shoot a random at a nearby living mob.

Var Details


Typecache of accepted item types, init it in [/obj/machinery/smartfridge/Initialize].


The type of the circuitboard dropped on deconstruction. This is how to avoid getting subtypes into the board.


Whether the fridge can dry its' contents. Used for display.


Do we drop contents on destroy?


Whether the fridge is currently drying. Used by drying racks.


Whether the fridge is considered secure. Used for wiring and display.


Associative list (/text => /number) tracking the amounts of a specific item held by the fridge.


The maximum number of items the fridge can hold. Multiplicated by the matter bin component's rating.


Whether the fridge requires ID scanning. Used for the secure variant of the fridge.


How long in ticks the fridge is electrified for. Decrements every process.


Whether the fridge should randomly shoot held items at a nearby living target or not.


Whether the fridge is electric and thus silicon controllable.


Associative list (/obj/item => /number) representing the items the fridge should initially contain.


Whether the fridge's contents are visible on the world icon.


The wires controlling the fridge.

Proc Details


Returns whether the smart fridge can accept the given item.

By default checks if the item is in the typecache. Arguments:


Tries to load an item if it is accepted by /obj/machinery/smartfridge/proc/accept_check.



Tries to shoot a random at a nearby living mob.