Vars | |
anchor_stage | The same state removal stage is, until someone opens the panel of the nuke. This way we can have someone open the front of the nuke, while keeping track of where in the world we are on the anchoring bolts. |
code | Code entered by user |
core_stage | This is so that we can check if the internal components are sealed up properly when the outer hatch is closed. |
exploded | Have we gone boom yet? |
extended | Are our bolts supposed to be in the floor, may not actually cause anchoring if the bolts are cut |
lighthack | If true, prevents the lights on the nuke |
r_code | Random code between 10000 and 99999 |
requires_NAD_to_unbolt | If this is true you cannot unbolt the NAD with tools, only the NAD |
sheets_to_fix | How many sheets of various metals we need to fix it |
timeleft | Countdown to boom |
timing | Are we counting down? |
yes_code | Is the most recently inputted code correct? |
Procs | |
get_nuke_site | Determine the location of the nuke with respect to the station. Used for, among other things, calculating win conditions for nukies and choosing which round-end cinematic to play. |
Var Details
The same state removal stage is, until someone opens the panel of the nuke. This way we can have someone open the front of the nuke, while keeping track of where in the world we are on the anchoring bolts.
Code entered by user
This is so that we can check if the internal components are sealed up properly when the outer hatch is closed.
Have we gone boom yet?
Are our bolts supposed to be in the floor, may not actually cause anchoring if the bolts are cut
If true, prevents the lights on the nuke
Random code between 10000 and 99999
If this is true you cannot unbolt the NAD with tools, only the NAD
How many sheets of various metals we need to fix it
Countdown to boom
Are we counting down?
Is the most recently inputted code correct?
Proc Details
Determine the location of the nuke with respect to the station. Used for, among other things, calculating win conditions for nukies and choosing which round-end cinematic to play.