Paradise Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details



bullet_energyHow much the bullets damage should be multiplied by when it is added to the internal variables
combined_gasThe last air sample's total molar count, will always be above or equal to 0
countdownAn effect we show to admins and ghosts the percentage of delam we're at
damageThe amount of damage we have currently
damage_archivedThe damage we had before this cycle. Used to limit the damage we can take each cycle, and for safe_alert
damage_penalty_pointWhen we pass this amount of damage we start shooting bolts
darkness_effectsThis list will hold 4 supermatter darkness effects when the supermatter is delaminating to a singulo delam. This lets me darken the area to look better, as it turns out, walls make the effect look ugly as shit.
dynamic_heat_modifierAffects the amount of o2 and plasma the sm outputs, along with the heat it makes.
dynamic_heat_resistanceAffects the amount of damage and minimum point at which the sm takes heat damage
emergency_alertThe alert we send when we've reached emergency_point
emergency_pointThe point at which we start sending messages to the common channel
event_activeDo we have an active event?
explosion_pointThe point at which we delam
explosion_powerA scaling value that affects the severity of explosions.
final_countdownAre we exploding?
gas_change_rateDetermines the rate of positve change in gas comp values
gas_multiplierflat multiplies the amount of gas released by the SM.
gasefficencyThe portion of the gasmix we're on that we should remove
gasmix_power_ratioAffects the power gain the sm experiances from heat
global_supermatter_idThe amount of supermatters that have been created this round
hallucination_powerHow much hallucination should we produce per unit of power?
has_been_poweredBoolean used for logging if we've been powered
has_reached_emergencyBoolean used for logging if we've passed the emergency point
has_run_sclassRun S-Class event? So we can only run one S-class event per round per crystal
heat_multiplierflat multiplies the heat released by the SM
heat_penalty_thresholdvalue plus T0C = temp at which the SM starts to take damage. Variable for event usage
is_main_engineUsed to track if we can give out the sm sliver stealing objective
last_accent_soundcooldown tracker for accent sounds
lastwarningTime in 1/10th of seconds since the last sent warning
matter_powerTakes the energy throwing things into the sm generates and slowly turns it into actual power
mole_heat_penaltyUsed to increase or lessen the amount of damage the sm takes from heat based on molar counts.
moveableCan it be moved?
next_event_timeTime of next event
powerRefered to as eer on the moniter. This value effects gas output, heat, damage, and radiation.
power_additiveamount of EER to ADD
power_changesDisables power changes
power_transmission_bonusAffects the amount of radiation the sm makes. We multiply this with power to find the rads.
powerloss_dynamic_scalingBased on co2 percentage, slowly moves between 0 and 1. We use it to calc the powerloss_inhibitor
powerloss_inhibitorUses powerloss_dynamic_scaling and combined_gas to lessen the effects of our powerloss functions
processesDisables the sm's proccessing totally.
produces_gasDisables the production of gas, and pretty much any handling of it we do.
pulse_stageA variable to have the warp effect for singulo SM work properly
radioOur internal radio
safe_alertOur "Shit is no longer fucked" message. We send it when damage is less then damage_archived
soundloopOur soundloop
supermatter_idThe id of our supermatter
takes_damageDisables all methods of taking damage
warning_alertThe alert we send when we've reached warning_point
warning_pointThe point at which we should start sending messeges about the damage to the engi channels.
warpReference to the warp effect
zap_cutoffThe cutoff for a bolt jumping, grows with heat, lowers with higher mol count,
zap_iconTracks the bolt color we are using

Var Details


How much the bullets damage should be multiplied by when it is added to the internal variables


The last air sample's total molar count, will always be above or equal to 0


An effect we show to admins and ghosts the percentage of delam we're at


The amount of damage we have currently


The damage we had before this cycle. Used to limit the damage we can take each cycle, and for safe_alert


When we pass this amount of damage we start shooting bolts


This list will hold 4 supermatter darkness effects when the supermatter is delaminating to a singulo delam. This lets me darken the area to look better, as it turns out, walls make the effect look ugly as shit.


Affects the amount of o2 and plasma the sm outputs, along with the heat it makes.


Affects the amount of damage and minimum point at which the sm takes heat damage


The alert we send when we've reached emergency_point


The point at which we start sending messages to the common channel


Do we have an active event?


The point at which we delam


A scaling value that affects the severity of explosions.


Are we exploding?


Determines the rate of positve change in gas comp values


flat multiplies the amount of gas released by the SM.


The portion of the gasmix we're on that we should remove


Affects the power gain the sm experiances from heat


The amount of supermatters that have been created this round


How much hallucination should we produce per unit of power?


Boolean used for logging if we've been powered


Boolean used for logging if we've passed the emergency point


Run S-Class event? So we can only run one S-class event per round per crystal


flat multiplies the heat released by the SM


value plus T0C = temp at which the SM starts to take damage. Variable for event usage


Used to track if we can give out the sm sliver stealing objective


cooldown tracker for accent sounds


Time in 1/10th of seconds since the last sent warning


Takes the energy throwing things into the sm generates and slowly turns it into actual power


Used to increase or lessen the amount of damage the sm takes from heat based on molar counts.


Can it be moved?


Time of next event


Refered to as eer on the moniter. This value effects gas output, heat, damage, and radiation.


amount of EER to ADD


Disables power changes


Affects the amount of radiation the sm makes. We multiply this with power to find the rads.


Based on co2 percentage, slowly moves between 0 and 1. We use it to calc the powerloss_inhibitor


Uses powerloss_dynamic_scaling and combined_gas to lessen the effects of our powerloss functions


Disables the sm's proccessing totally.


Disables the production of gas, and pretty much any handling of it we do.


A variable to have the warp effect for singulo SM work properly


Our internal radio


Our "Shit is no longer fucked" message. We send it when damage is less then damage_archived


Our soundloop


The id of our supermatter


Disables all methods of taking damage


The alert we send when we've reached warning_point


The point at which we should start sending messeges about the damage to the engi channels.


Reference to the warp effect


The cutoff for a bolt jumping, grows with heat, lowers with higher mol count,


Tracks the bolt color we are using