Paradise Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



basic_modulesA list of module-specific, non-emag modules the borg will gain when this module is chosen.
channelsRadio channels the module owner has access to.
custom_removalsSpecial items that are able to be removed from the robot owner via crowbar.
emag_modulesA list of modules the robot gets when emagged.
emag_override_modulesA list of modules the robot gets when either emagged or Safety Overridden.
malf_modulesA list of modules that the robot gets when malf AI buys it.
malfhackedHas the AI hacked the borg module, allowing access to the malf AI exclusive item.
module_actionsSpecial actions this module will gain when chosen such as meson vision, or thermal vision.
module_typeFor icon usage.
modulesA list of all currently usable and created modules the robot currently has access too.
override_modulesA list of modules the robot gets when Safety Overridden.
special_rechargablesA list of modules that require special recharge handling. Examples include things like flashes, sprays and welding tools.
storagesA list of all "energy stacks", i.e metal, glass, brute kits, splints, etc.
subsystemsAvailable tools given in the verb tab such as a crew monitor, or power monitor.


add_armorAdds armor to a cyborg. Normaly resets it to 0 across the board, unless the module has an armor defined.
add_languagesAdds all of the languages this module is suppose to know and/or speak.
add_moduleAdds the item I to our modules list, and sets up an /datum/robot_energy_storage if its a stack.
add_subsystems_and_actionsAdds anything in subsystems to the robot's verbs, and grants any actions that are in module_actions.
get_or_create_estorageReturns a robot_energy_strage datum of type storage_type. If one already exists, it returns that one, otherwise it create a new one.
rebuild_modulesBuilds the usable module list from the modules we have in basic_modules, override_modules, emag_modules, emag_override_modules and malf_modules
recharge_consumablesHandles the recharging of all borg stack items and any items which are in the special_rechargables list.
remove_item_from_listsSearches through the various module lists for the given item_type, deletes and removes the item from all supplied lists, if the item is found.
remove_subsystems_and_actionsRemoves any verbs from the robot that are in subsystems, and removes any actions that are in module_actions.
unemagCalled when the robot owner of this module has the unemag() proc called on them, which is only via admin means.
update_cellsCalled when the robot owner of this module has their power cell replaced.

Var Details


A list of module-specific, non-emag modules the borg will gain when this module is chosen.


Radio channels the module owner has access to.


Special items that are able to be removed from the robot owner via crowbar.


A list of modules the robot gets when emagged.


A list of modules the robot gets when either emagged or Safety Overridden.


A list of modules that the robot gets when malf AI buys it.


Has the AI hacked the borg module, allowing access to the malf AI exclusive item.


Special actions this module will gain when chosen such as meson vision, or thermal vision.


For icon usage.


A list of all currently usable and created modules the robot currently has access too.


A list of modules the robot gets when Safety Overridden.


A list of modules that require special recharge handling. Examples include things like flashes, sprays and welding tools.


A list of all "energy stacks", i.e metal, glass, brute kits, splints, etc.


Available tools given in the verb tab such as a crew monitor, or power monitor.

Proc Details


Adds armor to a cyborg. Normaly resets it to 0 across the board, unless the module has an armor defined.


Adds all of the languages this module is suppose to know and/or speak.



Adds the item I to our modules list, and sets up an /datum/robot_energy_storage if its a stack.



Adds anything in subsystems to the robot's verbs, and grants any actions that are in module_actions.


Returns a robot_energy_strage datum of type storage_type. If one already exists, it returns that one, otherwise it create a new one.



Builds the usable module list from the modules we have in basic_modules, override_modules, emag_modules, emag_override_modules and malf_modules


Handles the recharging of all borg stack items and any items which are in the special_rechargables list.



Searches through the various module lists for the given item_type, deletes and removes the item from all supplied lists, if the item is found.

NOTE: be careful with using this proc, as it irreversibly removes entries from a borg's module list. This is safe to do with upgrades because the only way to revert upgrades currently is either to rebuild the borg or use a reset module, which allows the lists to regenerate.



Removes any verbs from the robot that are in subsystems, and removes any actions that are in module_actions.


Called when the robot owner of this module has the unemag() proc called on them, which is only via admin means.

Deletes this module's emag items, and recreates them.


Called when the robot owner of this module has their power cell replaced.

Changes the linked power cell for module items to the newly inserted cell, or to null. Arguments: