Vars | |
chain | For when you want your projectile to have a chain coming out of the gun |
forcedodge | Number of times an object can pass through an object. -1 is infinite |
has_been_fired | Has the projectile been fired? |
hit_prone_targets | If TRUE, hit mobs even if they're on the floor and not our target |
immolate | Does the projectile increase fire stacks / immolate mobs on hit? Applies fire stacks equal to the number on hit. |
last_angle_set_hitscan_store | Last turf an angle was changed in for hitscan projectiles. |
last_projectile_move | Last world.time the projectile proper moved |
reflectability | Determines the reflectability level of a projectile, either REFLECTABILITY_NEVER, REFLECTABILITY_PHYSICAL, REFLECTABILITY_ENERGY in order of ease to reflect. |
shield_buster | Does this projectile do extra damage to / break shields? |
time_offset | Left over ticks in movement calculation |
trajectory | The projectile's trajectory |
trajectory_ignore_forcemove | Instructs forceMove to NOT reset our trajectory to the new location! |
Var Details
For when you want your projectile to have a chain coming out of the gun
Number of times an object can pass through an object. -1 is infinite
Has the projectile been fired?
If TRUE, hit mobs even if they're on the floor and not our target
Does the projectile increase fire stacks / immolate mobs on hit? Applies fire stacks equal to the number on hit.
Last turf an angle was changed in for hitscan projectiles.
Last world.time the projectile proper moved
Determines the reflectability level of a projectile, either REFLECTABILITY_NEVER, REFLECTABILITY_PHYSICAL, REFLECTABILITY_ENERGY in order of ease to reflect.
Does this projectile do extra damage to / break shields?
Left over ticks in movement calculation
The projectile's trajectory
Instructs forceMove to NOT reset our trajectory to the new location!