Paradise Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



cooldownthe initial cooldown tracks the time between swings. tracks the world.time when the baton is usable again.
hitcostHow much power does it cost to stun someone
knockdown_delaythe time it takes before the target falls over
knockdown_durationHow many seconds does the knockdown last for?
stam_damagehow much stamina damage does this baton do?
turned_onIs the baton currently turned on


baton_stunreturning false results in no baton attack animation, returning true results in an animation.
deductchargeRemoves the specified amount of charge from the batons power cell.
link_new_cellUpdates the linked power cell on the baton.

Var Details


the initial cooldown tracks the time between swings. tracks the world.time when the baton is usable again.


How much power does it cost to stun someone


the time it takes before the target falls over


How many seconds does the knockdown last for?


how much stamina damage does this baton do?


Is the baton currently turned on

Proc Details


returning false results in no baton attack animation, returning true results in an animation.


Removes the specified amount of charge from the batons power cell.

If src is a cyborg baton, this removes the charge from the borg's internal power cell instead. Arguments:

Updates the linked power cell on the baton.

If the baton is held by a cyborg, link it to their internal cell. Else, spawn a new cell and use that instead. Arguments: