Paradise Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



AIStatusThe Status of our AI, can be set to AI_ON (On, usual processing), AI_IDLE (Will not process, but will return to AI_ON if an enemy comes near), AI_OFF (Off, Not processing ever)
animal_speciesSorry, no spider+corgi buttbabies.
armour_penetration_flatFlat armour reduction, occurs after percentage armour penetration.
armour_penetration_percentagePercentage armour reduction, happens before flat armour reduction.
atmos_requirementsAtmos effect - Yes, you can make creatures that require plasma or co2 to survive. N2O is a trace gas and handled separately, hence why it isn't here. It'd be hard to add it. Hard and me don't mix (Yes, yes make all the dick jokes you want with that.) - Errorage
can_be_on_fireIf the mob can catch fire
can_collarCan add collar to mob or not
can_crawlCan this simple mob crawl or not? If FALSE, it won't get immobilized by crawling
can_have_aiOnce we have become sentient, we can never go back
childtypeHot simple_animal baby making vars
cold_damage_per_tickSame as heat_damage_per_tick, only if the bodytemperature it's lower than minbodytemp
collar_typeIf the mob has collar sprites, define them.
damage_coeff1 for full damage , 0 for none , -1 for 1:1 heal from that source
death_soundThe sound played on death
del_on_deathCauses mob to be deleted on death, useful for mobs that spawn lootable corpses
emote_hearHearable emotes
emote_seeUnlike speak_emote, the list of things in this variable only show by themselves with no spoken text. IE: Ian barks, Ian yaps
environment_smashSet to 1 to allow breaking of crates,lockers,racks,tables; 2 for walls; 3 for Rwalls
fire_damageDamage the mob will take if it is on fire
flip_on_deathFlip the sprite upside down on death. Mostly here for things lacking custom dead sprites.
footstep_typeWhat kind of footstep this mob should have. Null if it shouldn't have any.
force_thresholdMinimum force required to deal any damage
gold_core_spawnableIf the mob can be spawned with a gold slime core. HOSTILE_SPAWN are spawned with plasma, FRIENDLY_SPAWN are spawned with blood
healableHealable by medical stacks? Defaults to yes.
heat_damage_per_tickAmount of damage applied if animal's body temperature is higher than maxbodytemp
icon_gibWe only try to show a gibbing animation if this exists.
lootList of things spawned at mob's loc when it dies
master_commanderHolding var for determining who own/controls a sentient simple animal (for sentience potions).
melee_damage_lowerLETTING SIMPLE ANIMALS ATTACK? WHAT COULD GO WRONG. Defaults to zero so Ian can still be cuddly
melee_damage_typeDamage type of a simple mob's melee attack, should it do damage.
my_zI don't want to confuse this with client registered_z
obj_damageHow much damage this simple animal does to objects, if any
pass_door_while_hiddenAllows a mob to pass unbolted doors while hidden
sentience_typeSentience type, for slime potions
shouldwakeupConvenience var for forcibly waking up an idling AI on next check.
speedHigher speed is slower, negative speed is faster
stop_automated_movementUse this to temporarely stop random movement or to if you write special movement code for animals.
stop_automated_movement_when_pulledWhen set to TRUE this stops the animal from moving when someone is pulling it.
unique_petIf the mob can be renamed
unsuitable_atmos_damageThis damage is taken when atmos doesn't fit all the requirements above
wanderDoes the mob wander around when idle?
xenobiology_spawnedWas this mob spawned by xenobiology magic? Used for mobcapping.


handle_atom_delWe need to clear the reference to where we're walking to properly GC

Var Details


The Status of our AI, can be set to AI_ON (On, usual processing), AI_IDLE (Will not process, but will return to AI_ON if an enemy comes near), AI_OFF (Off, Not processing ever)


Sorry, no spider+corgi buttbabies.


Flat armour reduction, occurs after percentage armour penetration.


Percentage armour reduction, happens before flat armour reduction.


Atmos effect - Yes, you can make creatures that require plasma or co2 to survive. N2O is a trace gas and handled separately, hence why it isn't here. It'd be hard to add it. Hard and me don't mix (Yes, yes make all the dick jokes you want with that.) - Errorage


If the mob can catch fire


Can add collar to mob or not


Can this simple mob crawl or not? If FALSE, it won't get immobilized by crawling


Once we have become sentient, we can never go back


Hot simple_animal baby making vars


Same as heat_damage_per_tick, only if the bodytemperature it's lower than minbodytemp


If the mob has collar sprites, define them.


1 for full damage , 0 for none , -1 for 1:1 heal from that source


The sound played on death


Causes mob to be deleted on death, useful for mobs that spawn lootable corpses


Hearable emotes


Unlike speak_emote, the list of things in this variable only show by themselves with no spoken text. IE: Ian barks, Ian yaps


Set to 1 to allow breaking of crates,lockers,racks,tables; 2 for walls; 3 for Rwalls


Damage the mob will take if it is on fire


Flip the sprite upside down on death. Mostly here for things lacking custom dead sprites.


What kind of footstep this mob should have. Null if it shouldn't have any.


Minimum force required to deal any damage


If the mob can be spawned with a gold slime core. HOSTILE_SPAWN are spawned with plasma, FRIENDLY_SPAWN are spawned with blood


Healable by medical stacks? Defaults to yes.


Amount of damage applied if animal's body temperature is higher than maxbodytemp


We only try to show a gibbing animation if this exists.


List of things spawned at mob's loc when it dies


Holding var for determining who own/controls a sentient simple animal (for sentience potions).


LETTING SIMPLE ANIMALS ATTACK? WHAT COULD GO WRONG. Defaults to zero so Ian can still be cuddly


Damage type of a simple mob's melee attack, should it do damage.


I don't want to confuse this with client registered_z


How much damage this simple animal does to objects, if any


Allows a mob to pass unbolted doors while hidden


Sentience type, for slime potions


Convenience var for forcibly waking up an idling AI on next check.


Higher speed is slower, negative speed is faster


Use this to temporarely stop random movement or to if you write special movement code for animals.


When set to TRUE this stops the animal from moving when someone is pulling it.


If the mob can be renamed


This damage is taken when atmos doesn't fit all the requirements above


Does the mob wander around when idle?


Was this mob spawned by xenobiology magic? Used for mobcapping.

Proc Details


We need to clear the reference to where we're walking to properly GC