Paradise Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details

Reagents Holder

The holder is the datum that holds a list of all reagents currently in the object.

By default, all atom have an empty reagents var. If you want to use an object for the chemistry system you'll need to add something like this in its new proc:

// Create a new datum, 100 is the maximum_volume of the new holder datum.
var/datum/reagents/R = new/datum/reagents(100)
reagents = R // Assign the new datum to the objects reagents var
R.my_atom = src // set the holders my_atom to src so that we know where we are.

This can also be done by calling a convenience proc e.g. /atom/proc/create_reagents(max_volume)


maximum_volumeThis is the maximum volume of the holder.
my_atomThis is the atom the holder is 'in'. Useful if you need to find the location. (i.e. for explosions)
reagent_listAll contained reagents. More specifically, references to the reagent datums.
total_volumeThe total volume of all reagents in this holder.


add_reagentAttempts to add X of the matching reagent to the holder.
clear_reagentsRemove all reagents from the holder.
del_reagentCompletely remove the reagent with the matching ID.
get_master_reagent_idGet the id of the reagent there is the most of in this holder
get_reagent_amountReturns the amount of the matching reagent inside the holder.
handle_reactionsCheck all recipes and, on a match, uses them.
has_reagentReturn whether the holder contains the reagent.
isolate_reagentRemove all reagents but the specified one.
metabolizeCalled by /mob/living/proc/Life. You shouldn't have to use this one directly.
overdose_listReturns a list of all the chemical IDs in the reagent holder that are overdosing.
reactionCalls the appropriate reaction procs of the reagents.
remove_anyRemoves reagents from the holder until the passed amount is matched.
remove_reagentThe exact opposite of the add_reagent proc.
trans_id_toSame as /datum/reagents/proc/trans_to but only for a specific reagent in the reagent list. If the specified amount is greater than what is available, it will use the amount of the reagent that is available. If no reagent exists, returns null.
trans_toEqually transfer the contents of the holder to another objects holder.
update_totalUpdate the total volume of the holder (the volume of all reagents added together).

Var Details


This is the maximum volume of the holder.


This is the atom the holder is 'in'. Useful if you need to find the location. (i.e. for explosions)


All contained reagents. More specifically, references to the reagent datums.


The total volume of all reagents in this holder.

Proc Details


Attempts to add X of the matching reagent to the holder.

You won't use this much. Mostly in new procs for pre-filled objects.


Remove all reagents from the holder.


Completely remove the reagent with the matching ID.


Get the id of the reagent there is the most of in this holder


Returns the amount of the matching reagent inside the holder.

Returns FALSE if the reagent is missing.


Check all recipes and, on a match, uses them.

It will also call the recipe's on_reaction proc (for explosions or w/e). Currently, this proc is automatically called by /datum/reagents/proc/trans_to. Modified from the original to preserve reagent data across reactions (originally for xenoarchaeology).


Return whether the holder contains the reagent.

If you pass it an amount it will additionally check if the amount is matched.


Remove all reagents but the specified one.


Called by /mob/living/proc/Life. You shouldn't have to use this one directly.


Returns a list of all the chemical IDs in the reagent holder that are overdosing.


Calls the appropriate reaction procs of the reagents.

I.e. if A is an object, it will call the reagent's reaction_obj proc. The method var is used for reaction on mobs. It simply tells us if the mob TOUCHed the reagent or if it INGESTed the reagent.

Since the volume can be checked in a reagents proc, you might want to use the volume_modifier var to modifiy the passed value without actually changing the volume of the reagents.

If you're not sure if you need to use this the answer is very most likely 'No'.

You'll want to use this proc whenever an atom first comes in contact with the reagents of a holder. (in the 'splash' part of a beaker i.e.)


Removes reagents from the holder until the passed amount is matched.

It'll try to remove some of ALL reagents contained.


The exact opposite of the add_reagent proc.

Modified from original to return the reagent's data, in order to preserve reagent data across reactions (originally for xenoarchaeology).


Same as /datum/reagents/proc/trans_to but only for a specific reagent in the reagent list. If the specified amount is greater than what is available, it will use the amount of the reagent that is available. If no reagent exists, returns null.


Equally transfer the contents of the holder to another objects holder.

You need to pass it the object (not the holder) you want to transfer to and the amount you want to transfer. Its return value is the actual amount transfered (if one of the objects is full/empty).

If preserve_data = FALSE, the reagents data will be lost. Useful if you use data for some strange stuff and don't want it to be transferred.


Update the total volume of the holder (the volume of all reagents added together).