Paradise Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Component that allows for highlighting of words or phrases in chat based on regular expressions.

Hooks into /mob/proc/combine_message to wrap every regex match in the message between tags with the provided span class. This modifies the output that is sent to the parent's chat window.

Removal of this component should be done by calling [GetComponents(/datum/component/codeword_hearing)] on the parent and then iterating through all components calling [delete_if_from_source(source)].


replace_regexRegex for matching words or phrases you want highlighted.
sourceThe source of this component. Used to identify the source in delete_if_from_source since this component is COMPONENT_DUPE_ALLOWED.
span_classThe to use for highlighting matches.


delete_if_from_sourceSince a parent can have multiple of these components on them simultaneously, this allows a datum to delete components from a specific source.

Var Details


Regex for matching words or phrases you want highlighted.


The source of this component. Used to identify the source in delete_if_from_source since this component is COMPONENT_DUPE_ALLOWED.


The to use for highlighting matches.

Proc Details


Since a parent can have multiple of these components on them simultaneously, this allows a datum to delete components from a specific source.