Paradise Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


CONFIG_LOAD_BOOLWrapper to not overwrite a variable if a list key doesnt exist. Auto casts to bools.
CONFIG_LOAD_NUMWrapper to not overwrite a variable if a list key doesnt exist. Auto casts to number.
CONFIG_LOAD_NUM_MULTWrapper to not overwrite a variable if a list key doesnt exist. Auto casts to number, and accepts a macro argument for number maths (ds to min for example)
CONFIG_LOAD_STRWrapper to not overwrite a variable if a list key doesnt exist. Auto casts to string.
CONFIG_LOAD_RAWWrapper to not overwrite a variable if a list key doesnt exist. No casting done.
CONFIG_LOAD_LISTWrapper to not overwrite a variable if a list key doesnt exist. Ensures target is a list.

Define Details


Wrapper to not overwrite a variable if a list key doesnt exist. Auto casts to bools.


Wrapper to not overwrite a variable if a list key doesnt exist. Ensures target is a list.


Wrapper to not overwrite a variable if a list key doesnt exist. Auto casts to number.


Wrapper to not overwrite a variable if a list key doesnt exist. Auto casts to number, and accepts a macro argument for number maths (ds to min for example)


Wrapper to not overwrite a variable if a list key doesnt exist. No casting done.


Wrapper to not overwrite a variable if a list key doesnt exist. Auto casts to string.